Tarpaulin Sky Journal was founded in 2002 by Christian Peet. Beginning as an online literary journal, it focused on cross-genre, hybrid texts and innovative poetry and prose, and expanded to printing magazines in 2007. The journal prides itself on not being associated with any specific style or school; rather, it focuses on publishing writers and thinkers from many different paradigms and perspectives. Many of the journal's contributors had never been published before, and many are frequently published and have even won awards for their work-- diversity and eclecticism are celebrated at Tarpaulin Sky. Some of the literary journal's contributors include Juliana Spahr, Laird Hunt, and Michelle Naka Pierce. The journal also posts reviews of other small press publications.
Tarpaulin Sky Press is based out of Grafton, Vermont and began in 2006 with the intent of publishing the work of the journal's contributors. Like the journal, it is a home for cross-genre, hybrid works that would not fit elsewhere. The press is described as author-centered, with a goal of producing books that, as objects, are as pleasing as the texts they carry. In a Poets & Writers article on small presses, Tarpaulin Sky editors described as "intrigued by work that doesn’t announce its genre," and that the press "enjoys found items, lists, odd constraints and mathematical constructs [...] the non-poetic." Experimentation (with language, form, and materials) is appreciated and encouraged. Tarpaulin Sky Press produces perfect bound books, handbound books, and trade paperbacks (as well as chapbooks).
Tarpaulin Sky Press has published everything from lyrical essays to collaborative works of poetry to novellas/photo essays to works of fiction; the press is not limited to any particular form or system. Published authors include Sandy Florian, Paul McKormick, Andrew Zornoza, Chad Sweeney, and Danielle Dutton, to name a few.
Tarpaulin Sky writers and contributors frequently give readings, and Tarpaulin Sky Press frequently hosts readings and events around the Vermont area.
More information can be found at http://www.tarpaulinsky.com/about.html