Monday, May 10, 2010

found text poem

how to: lose ten pounds in a week

eat less than you burn
then you burn

water: drink sixteen ounces prior to eating
then you burn

one pound of fat then you burn
3500 calories so,

cut out bad food (sugar: dropped)
increase good food (fiber: increase weight loss)

carbohydrates turn into sugar.
body holds onto weight fat

whole grains, raw vegetables.
you may experience: bloating cramps gas

watch portion size (many people have no concept)
an ounce of cheese - the size of your thumb

exercise take the stairs park a little further

instead of going to the movies (where you just sit)
do something physical

every bit helps.

then you burn

hopeful ones want to believe there is a miracle cure. a fantasy.

something i'm finding really frustrating is the inability to use large amounts of white space on blogger. maybe it's because i'm technologically inept, but this poem is NOT supposed to be formatted the way it is showing up in this post. i've been playing with white space a lot lately, and am continually frustrated by websites that take that away when you post/share. any suggestions? am i just doing this wrong, or is this something you have experienced also?